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Katherine Sullivan

Artist’s Statement

I have always been fascinated by the question of identity and the way we portray this in the world through the forms of our clothing and our architecture. Both are seen as metaphors for the body and for human experience. Dress both defines and de- individualises us and, in this sense, stands like architecture upon the dangerous margins between self and ‘other, inside and outside, private and public. The great architects of modernism recognised this connection, and used the body and it’s clothing in order to interpret the relationship between structure and ornament [façade] in their buildings. In 1883, the architect Gottfried Semper identified the very nature of architecture with the textile and stated that a building was ‘worn’ and not occupied. His understanding of body and clothes, structure and ornament as one, underpins the perceptual framework for my work. My experience as a costume maker and my subsequent translation of textile processes into sculptural elements within my work, place me in an excellent position to investigate this relationship. I initiate residencies in heritage sites in order to scrutinise in both academic and sculptural terms, the archaeology of this ‘mask’ or ‘membrane’ which stands upon this margin between public and private space. This leads to the creation of ‘equivalent’ fabrics that can be used in relation to structure in the sculptural process. I experiment with building and engineering materials whilst employing techniques found in the textile industry in order to create fabrics of my own. It has been my aim to remove the ornamental elements from clothing and buildings and their translation into solid, weight - bearing, enduring sculptural materials.

Photomontage and collage are tools I employ to begin the process of breaking down the boundaries between the sartorial and the architectural; they are my working drawings.

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae


1997-9 MA [Art in Architecture] Univ. East London, Plaistow E13

1993-6 BA  [hons] Fine Art Sculpture, Univ of Wolverhampton  2:1



2017 Sept. Highly Commended, AIR Open, Studio 4, Trafford.

2016 Oppenheimer John Downs Foundation Award.



2021        Private Commission – Memorial Bench – Attenborough Arts Centre. Leicester



2014 May- July ‘Soul to Sole’ Croome Park , Worces, National Trust.

2013-14   Sept - May Wolverhampton University Residency.

2012-13   Oct – March, AA2A Residency, Coventry University/

2010 June – Sept Artist in Residence, Bridlington Hospital. Hafney Trust, Yorks

2009-10   Dec – Mar, Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth, Wales.

2007-8 International Visiting Artist in Residence, Custom House Studios, Westport,   County Mayo, Eire


Solo Exhibitions

2019    Mar - Apr, ‘Building Works’ Custom House Gallery, Westport, Co Mayo. Rep Irel

2016 15/9-26/9 Clifden Arts Festival, Connemara, Co Galway, Rep Ireland.

2009 Feb/Mar ‘Residues’ GPF Gallery, Newport, Gwent.

2007 Sep/Oct  ‘Material Translations’, Custom House Gallery, Westport, Co Mayo

2005 April/May ‘Fabrications’ Riverfront Arts Centre, Newport, Gwent



  2021      Memorial Bench. Richard Attenborough Centre, Leicester University


Group Exhibitions

2021      Dec 1 – 12th, ‘Fronteer Open’ Exchange Studio Gallery. Sheffield.

2021      Nov 11th – 19th   ‘Vertical  Merger’, Uncovered Collective, Woolwich. London

2020      Sept 30 – Oct 4th ‘Emergent Vision’ Uncovered Collective,  Peckham, London

2019      Aug–Sept  Qube Open ‘Inclusion’. Qube Gallery. Oswestry. Shropshire

2019      July, ‘Leeds Left Bank Arts Prize’ Leeds.

2018      Oct/ Nov ‘We are making a new World’ Artizan Gallery, Torquay.

2018      Sept –USA Publication ‘Lips’ Expressions of Female Sexuality. 

2018 June/July, ‘Balance’, Artist’s Workhouse gallery, Studely, Warwks

2017      8-13 Oct, ‘Kleptomania’ Chalmers Bequest Gallery, Stoke Newington.London

2017 Aug-Sept   AIR Open, Studio 4 Gallery, Trafford, Manchester

2017 July- Sept – Chester Arts Centre Open Exhibition. Chester.

2017 18/3 -26/3 ‘We Need to Talk about Clothes’ Hardwick Gallery, Cheltenham.

2017 7/3-22/3 ‘She will Need her Sisterhood’, Brunswick Gallery, Leeds.

2017 5/3–16/3 ‘Transgender, Gender, Psychoanalysis’, Site Fringe, London SE17

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